October 23rd, 2024

Cyprus Weather in December

December starts the mild Mediterranean winter. The weather can be changeable, although it is most likely to be bright and either sunny or cloudy with sunny spells. However, meteorological statistics show that December is the rainiest month of all in Cyprus. It usually rains up to seven days per month. Periods of disturbed weather can last from one to three days in a row. December, however, is the warmest among the three winter months. Average maximum temperature for December is 19°C on the coast and 17°C inland, about two degrees higher than in January and February. The mild temperatures of the daytime should not trick you, though, since evenings and nights are cold with average temperatures of 9°C-10°C on the coast and 7°C inland. On the mountains air warms up to 8°C at the daytime and cools down till 3°C at night. Except rain, there is also a possibility of hail. Frosts are frequent inland but rarely severe.

Activities in December

December weather that is sunny but not hot makes this month ideal to see the cultural and historic sites. Outdoor activities, excursions and day trips to explore the island are very enjoyable. There are several cultural events throughout December as well.

What to wear in December

Recommended clothes are winter clothes, warm jackets but not heavy coats, of course. December is the wettest month in Cyprus so remember to take an umbrella with you whenever you go out.