October 23rd, 2024

Cyprus Weather in January

January, along with February, is the coldest month in Cyprus. On the lowlands minimum temperature might go below 7-8°C in the coastal areas and 5-6°C inland. Average maximum temperature in January is about 16-18°C. On the mountain ranges you will see snow and temperatures no higher than 6°C and often dropping as low as 0°C or even below. There is a high possibility of rain – meteorological statistics suggest January to be the second rainiest month of all in Cyprus. Hail and snow in the lowlands are possible but the chance is very small, and even in that rare occasion the snow melts very quickly before it even touches the ground. Frosts are rarely severe but frequent in the inland.

Activities in January

In general, though, weather in January is dry and mostly sunny that makes this month perfect for day trips to discover the island and conditions are great for skiing on the Troodos mountain and outdoor activities in general. There are several cultural events in January as well.

What to wear in January

Recommended are winter clothes, warm jackets but not heavy coats, of course. Since there is a high possibility of rain, it is always wise to have an umbrella with you whenever you go out.