October 23rd, 2024

Cyprus Weather in July

High temperatures, cloudless skies and cooling breezes from the sea are what July weather is about. July is one of the hottest months in Cyprus. Average maximum temperature in July soars up to 30°C on the west coast and 32°C-33°C on the eastern-south coast. Inland it is hotter and drier with temperatures reaching 37°C. On the mountains it is also hot but not as much as on the lowlands; temperatures rarely go above 28°C. The main heat of the day is from 12 am till 4 pm. The night brings some coolness. Still the lowest average temperature is only 20°C on the west coast and 22°C on the eastern-south coast and inland. The night temperature for Troodos mountains is 18°C. Rains are almost unheard of in July. The sea is very warm with temperatures about 26°C.

Activities in July

July is a perfect month to spend time around the pool, at the beach and to take part in water and beach activities. Try paragliding, kiteboarding or scuba diving – for example to the Xenobia wreck off the coast of Larnaka. If you are not after swimming-sunbathing, visit archeological and historical sites but make sure to do it in early morning or late afternoon when it is not very hot. July is also the month for celebrations in honor of the famous Cypriot wine Koumandaria. Also the Ancient Greek Drama Festival takes place in July and August in Limassol, Paphos and Nicosia.

What to wear in July

Recommended clothes are very light weight summer clothing. It is always a wise idea to use sun protection, such as hats, sunscreen and sunglasses. Have plenty of sun cream with you as well as a bottle of water.